Increasing number of dengue cases in Surabaya shows
that Surabaya is a city with the potential spread of dengue fever epidemic. The
efforts which was designed by the government such as fogging, abate, and
Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk still out of target because of inaccurate
predictions in minimize the spread of dengue fever epidemics.
Ineffectiveness of
eradication of dengue fever epidemic spread because of lack of information and
knowledge of the environmental conditions in Surabaya. Developing early warning system to minimize spread of dengue fever is necessary
held. Early warning system can improve eradication, prevention, and design
spread map of dengue fever epidemic. The online early warning system of dengue
fever epidemics will design with knowledge management system (KMS) based
website which can be a media of a sharing knowledge.
Transmission Dynamics Vector simulated will use as an approach that used to
drawn a complex system and mosquito life cycle which involved a lot of factor
it can predicted changing of system at a time period. Spread of dengue fever
prediction will help the government, health department to decide the best
policies in minimize the spread of dengue fever epidemics.
Dengue Fever Epidemic, Knowledge Sharing, Transmission Dynamics Vector