Thursday 18 April 2013

Research Background of "Designing Early Warning System and Spread Handling of Dengue Fever using Transmission Dynamics Vector Approach and Knowledge Sharing"

Posting kali ini akan menampilkan mengenai latar belakang yang digunakan dalam penelitian mengenai  perancangan Early Warning System pada penyakit demam berdarah dengan menggunakan Transmission Dynamics Vector.

Research Background
Dengue fever is a disease caused by the dengue virus which is transmitted through the bite of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus previously been infected by dengue virus from other dengue patients. The mosquito population will rapidly increase during the rainy season. (Ginanjar,2004).
Dengue fever was founded in tropical and subtropical regions. The data from the Directorate of Animal Disease Control Source (Director of  P2B2), Ministry of Health Department Republic of Indonesia, in 2010 Indonesia was the highest dengue cases in ASEAN with 150,000 cases and 1,317 deaths from the disease and in 2011 dengue cases was 126.908 cases with 1,125 deaths. Based on those data, the cases of dengue fever in Indonesia is first rank in the world.

Figure 1.1. World Distribution of Dengue Fever. (Gubler. 2002) in Forum TRENDS of Microbiology.

Regarding to figure 1.1. World Distribution of Dengue Fever shows that dengue activity in Indonesia is very high compared to other countries in the world. This condition become consentrations of the goverment to decrease the number of dengue fever epidemics in Indonesia.
There are many research that have been conducted in dengue fever aspect which was provided to identificate dengue fever epidemics. A research was conducted by Fitriyani, (2007) that determine Dengue Critical Epidemic Areas in Indonesia This research made map of severity rate in dengue fever and classified them into very critical, critical, and medium critical area in Indonesia. Surabaya is a city that has high potential in spreading of dengue fever epidemics based on temperature and meteorology factors.

Figure 1.2. Severity Level of Dengue Fever in East Java 2007. (Fitriyani,2007)

In figure 1.2, the Severity Level of Dengue Fever in East Java 2007, shows the percentage of severity, which is comprises critical, very critical, and medium critical level. Surabaya was included in very critical severity level with Blitar, Bondowoso, Gresik, Magetan, Mojokerto, Situbondo, Sumenep, and Tuban. Based on data from the East Java Health Department in 2006, Surabaya was the city had the largest number of dengue cases in East Java with the amount up to 4,187 cases. Figure 1.3. gives an overview of the high number of patients with dengue cases in Surabaya.

Figure 1.3. Dengue Fever Cases in Surabaya. (Health Department in Surabaya, 2011)

          Surabaya Health Department has done some ​​efforts in order to minimize the spread of dengue fever. The efforts are fogging (fumigation to kill dengue mosquitoes), abate (larvicides that aims to kill mosquito larvae), and Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) in 3M program such as draining the water bath, cover a nest that may be breeding grounds by mosquitoes, and bury the goods that can keep water.

Figure 1.4. 3M Programs Illustration. (Putri,2010)
          The efforts and policies that created by the goverment are still not working efficiently. These are three examples problems in lacking control of the geverment in fogging, larvacidal, and 3M program. First is fogging, which  is done preferably using malathion dose to 10 liters per hectare, but in reality only use about 3-5 liters per hectare. Absolutely, 3-5 liters malathion Larvicidal (abate) also has not been able to kill mosquito larvae effectively, because of Aedes agepthy female mosquitoes are able to spawn 100 pieces of egg per day. The last effort is Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN) which still lack in terms of counseling and monitoring to the community so it is less effective and efficient in the eradication of dengue mosquito.
          The problems appear when the efforts to eradicate Aedes Agepty mosquitoes. That was designed by the Health Department still out of target. The current policies are less accordance in the real situation. If this problem happens every year then the spread of the mosquito Aedes Agepty cannot be controlled optimally. The distribution of dengue is relatively short. Consequently, the experts of health policy are required to the right policy in decreasing spread of dengue fever determine precisely, effectively, and efficiently in a short time.
          The early warning system can be enhanced with an integrated knowledge sharing. Knowledge sharing is a method of sharing knowledge among experts in the health sector. This knowledge will give information about the factors that influence the spread of the Aedes Agepty mosquito, symptoms of dengue fever, dengue fever mosquito spread map on some areas in Surabaya, and effective efforts to minimize the number of dengue fever epidemics. When this sharing knowladge media can operate well, then the process knowladge sharing between health professionals can support the handling and dissemination of information as well as appropriate policies that can reduce the spread of dengue fever.
In previous research, Satwika (2010) has produced a communication media (website) that aims to control the spread of tropical diseases. In 2011, Hudaningsih conducted research, which the result was the pattern of spread of dengue fever by using a dynamic system. Based on the studies, it was necessary to develop the communication media by adding the map of spread dengue fever as predictions for the next period. The research also provided additional information to users about the condition of the region in Surabaya about the critical level of dengue fever epidemics based on historical data of dengue fever. This development can integrate health expert, Health Department, and people in early warning system to minimize the number of dengue victims. This system also can help the health department in making policy about prevent dengue fever epidemics.
Based on the problems and the prior research above, this research will design and build an effective early warning system to determine the spread, prevention, and treatment efforts. It will develop an early warning system, deployment patterns, and designing early warning systems spread of dengue fever by using Dynamic Transmission Vector approach based on sharing knowledge using website.


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